Media Coverage on Fake Nuclear Physics Paper

The media has reported extensively on my little nuclear physics paper. Here is a short overview:

I have also completed and interview with Geoff Hutchison from ABC Radio Perth:

Radio CBC:

Jesse Mulligan on Radio New Zealand:

iOS Just Got A Paper On Nuclear Physics Accepted At A Scientific Conference

Automatically generating scientific articles has become easy with dedicated software such as SCIgen. Even a paper that only repeated the sentence “Get me of your fucking mailing list” was recently accepted for publication. Today I received an invitation from the International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics to submit a paper. Since I have practically no knowledge of Nuclear Physics I resorted to iOS auto-complete function to help me writing the paper. I started a sentence with “Atomic” or “Nuclear” and then randomly hit the auto-complete suggestions. The text really does not make any sense. After adding the first illustration on nuclear physics from Wikipedia, some references and creating a fake identity (Iris Pear, aka Siri Apple) I submitted the paper which was accepted only three hours later! I know that iOS is a pretty good software, but reaching tenure has never been this close.

UPDATE (27/10/2016): Turns out that conference organizer, OMICS Group, is currently under federal investigation.

Here is a short demonstration on how I wrote the paper:


Here is the acceptance notification:



Robot Philosophy Conference 2016

I had the pleasure of giving a keynote at the Robot Philosophy Conference 2016. The people in Denmark have been very friendly and our hotel is great. It is very interesting to see Human-Robot Interaction being discussed from the perspective of philosophy. Below is the recording of my keynote:




Presentation at the Materials Science Engineering Congress in Darmstadt

I had a great time at the Materials Science Engineering Congress in Darmstadt on September 29 2016. I met with Frank Fischer and had some great discussions about future projects. The event was extremely well organized. Below is the recording of my keynote.

Here are some more pictures:

160929_dgm_0892 dgm-congres-photo-bartneck-fischer