New citation tracking tools from Google

Google has finally send out its invitations to its new “My Citations” service. It allows you to track your publications and citations on one easy page. My own profile is available here. Interestingly, Microsoft send me an email today as well reminding me of their Academic Search that does require Silverlight and that was able to track less citations. Here is what Microsoft has to say about my publications.

Nao Haka Performance

We worked on a Haka performance this week. A Kinnect senses the movements of the human performer and the system maps this onto the Nao (thanks to Ben Suay). The two main lessons learned have been that the system is not yet robust and that the Nao is struggling with the explosive and aggressive movements of the haka. Maybe this will be another student project. I also learned the necessity of consulting with Maori experts before attempting to replicate their culture. I truly payed off. Henare Te Aika Puanaki’s performance was amazing. He stomped so hard that the camera shook and we have to re-calibrate the vision studio setup.

ACM introduces Author-Izer

The ACM introduced a new service, called Author-Izer. It allows you to set links from your own web page to your articles in the ACM Digital Library. You could do this already before, but Author-Izer adds a nice twist. People that follow an Author-Izer link get absolutely free access to the articles. It proofs my point that there really is not grey area in Open Access Publishing. Unless you lock up your service completely, you have to open up completely. Allowing self-archiving already enables full access to your articles thanks to the indexing done by Google Scholar. It is good to see that the ACM finally officially acknowledges this fact and stops fighting it. Another small victory for Open Access Publishing.