Robotics Laboratory

The Designed Intelligence Group at the Department of Industrial Design (Eindhoven University of Technology) use the Robotics Laboratory to explore autonomous systems and their interaction with users. Besides existing hardware platforms, such as the iCat, or Nao, we also developed our own educational robot AdMoVeo. We also massively use Mindstorm NXT and a complete Noldus Observers system, including Biosensors.  Please contact Christoph Bartneck if you have any questions about the laboratory.

The following projects and education courses take advantage of the facilities:

The following PhD students are associated to the laboratory:

We also have some professional photos of the iCat Robot and Nao vs. Aibo.

Creating PDF bookmarks from Microsoft Word on Mac OS X

The bookmark feature of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) is really useful. It allows the reader of a PDF document to see the structure of the document and by clicking on the structure, you can navigate to the referenced section. Microsoft Word creates such structures through the use of styles. The automatic generation of the table of contents is based on it. Adobe Acrobat for Windows allows users to transform the document structure (based on styles) into PDF bookmarks. But no such luck for the Mac version of Adobe Acrobat. The conversion settings are not Word specific, but are set in the Distiller settings, that are used for the whole system. I think that it is a shame that Adobe withholds this useful feature from the Mac users.

Synchronizing your iPhone with the TU/e Exchange server

This tutorial will show you how to synchronize your iPhone’s calendar, email and contacts with your Exchange account at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). It does not matter which way you are connected to the internet, but you may want to read how you can connect to the wireless network of the University. You may also connect through the wireless network at home, or outside through the T-Mobile telephone network. This tutorial assumes that you are currently connected to the internet. Continue reading “Synchronizing your iPhone with the TU/e Exchange server”

Connecting your iPhone to the TU/e network

This tutorial will show you how you can connect your iphone to the wireless network of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). We will connect to the tue-wpa2 network, but the same process also works for the eduroam network. In another tutorial I show you how to synchronize with the Exchange server. Continue reading “Connecting your iPhone to the TU/e network”