The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure App

The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog App is a must for every LEGO enthusiast! It contains information about all the Minifigures and Sets from the early beginnings until 2011. Professional high-resolution photographs of every Minifigure and the associated data are included. Browse the Minifigures and Sets by theme or year. The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog App can even import/export with your data on The App is available for iOS and Android. More information and the latest updates are available at

Android Market AppStore


  • More than 3650 Minifigures and 650 Heads listed
  • High-resolution photographs of every Minifigure
  • Thousands of LEGO sets listed.
  • Browse by theme or year
  • Search by name
  • Manage favorite Minifigures
  • Mark the Minifigures you own
  • Import and export with account
  • Advanced downloading and caching technology
  • Regular updates

ACM introduces Author-Izer

The ACM introduced a new service, called Author-Izer. It allows you to set links from your own web page to your articles in the ACM Digital Library. You could do this already before, but Author-Izer adds a nice twist. People that follow an Author-Izer link get absolutely free access to the articles. It proofs my point that there really is not grey area in Open Access Publishing. Unless you lock up your service completely, you have to open up completely. Allowing self-archiving already enables full access to your articles thanks to the indexing done by Google Scholar. It is good to see that the ACM finally officially acknowledges this fact and stops fighting it. Another small victory for Open Access Publishing.