The Complete LEGO Figure Catalog is now available

The Complete LEGO Figure CatalogI am proud to announce that the Complete LEGO Figure Catalog is now available. This catalog presents high quality photographs of all LEGO non standard scale Figures released between 1970s and 2011. The 1200 plus Figures are organized by an innovative nomenclature that makes it easy to identify Figures, such as Duplo, Belville or Fabuland. The catalog contains a price guide that indicates the rarity of the Figure. This catalog is the essential guide for all Figure collectors and enthusiasts. The book is available for purchase at CreateSpace and at You can also download the catalog as an eBook from Lulu.

New LEGO Minifigure Catalogs

I am proud to announce the availability of three new Minifigure Catalogs. The books are available from CreateSpace, Amazon and as a eBooks from Lulu. I am in particular happy to be able to offer the 2011 Minifigures as a new companion book. You do not need to purchase another big book, but you can simply update you reference with this series of annual catalogs. The Harry Potter and Star Wars catalogs are specifically targeted to collectors that focus their collections and who have no need for a complete overview.

The three new catalogs use a new and improved design that shows multiple photographs and the associated meta data right next to each other. A price guide will offer you insights into the rarity of the Minifigures.

The App will also soon be updated to include the 2011 Minifigures. Stay tuned.