Collaboration within the Designed Intelligence Group in the Year 2009

We performed a co-authorship analysis of the publications from the Designed Intelligence Group at the Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology. The data was gathered from the Metis system. The graph only shows publications from the year 2009 which were authored from at least two DI group members. The size of the circle indicates the total number of publications and the width of the lines indicates the number of co-authored papers. The graph visualizes my collaboration with the members of the DI group in 2009.

Collaboration within the Desigend Intelligence Group

A CAVE system based on the CryEngine2 game engine

We build a CAVE system based on the CryEngine2 game engine. The game engine is a multi-platform game development middleware that provides state of the art, photorealistic real-time visuals and enhanced physics, handling both interior spaces and vast landscapes in single- or multi-player settings.

The improved visuals and performance of the CryEngine2 over the game engines used by similar systems like CAVEUT, confirm CryVE system as a solid alternative to bring state of the art technology and photorealistic graphics to low-cost CAVE systems. CryVE is a low-cost implementation that offers advantages to the scientific, gaming, and graphics enthusiasts communities. Check it out at: