Mac Software Bundles

The idea to sell software in a bundle at a discount is now completely unleashed. Today I counted the following sales:

  1. The Mac Sale
  2. One Finger Discount
  3. MacHeist Nano Bundle (the full next bundle will be released soon
  4. The Mac Bundles
  5. The daily Mac Update Promos
  6. Mac Friendly
  7. Give good food 2 your mac
  8. Mac bundle box
  9. MacGraphoto

You can even create your own bundle to help cancer research.

Color Management at the Department of Industrial Design, TU/e

I started a web page at the Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, that provides knowledge, tools, software and profiles for a complete color management work flow. It is intended for staff and students alike. It hopefully will help people to synchronize the colors of their computer screens, printers, projectors and scanners.

Install ICC color profile for projectors in Windows XP

This tutorial shows you how to install an ICC color profile (also known as ICM) for an external projector in Windows XP. Make sure that all color adjustments in the projector itself are switched, so that they do not interfere. Continue reading “Install ICC color profile for projectors in Windows XP”