Keynote Presentation at the JSSR2021 Conference

I gave a keynote speech at the 2021 Joint UAE Symposium on Social Robotics.

I gave a keynote speech at the 2021 Joint UAE Symposium on Social Robotics. This year’s conference took place virtually and we had many exciting speakers. I focused on what roles robots can play during the Covid crisis and why so many social robots fail in the market.

The laws of robotics podcast episode available

A new episode of the HRI Podcast is available:

The Laws Of Robotics

In our previous podcast episode The Good Robot we discussed the difficulty of enabling robots to act ethically. When talking to journalists or policy makers about machine ethics you frequently get the response, well, Issac Asimov already solved that problem with his three laws of robotics. These laws are so seductively simple that most will intuitively understand them. In this episode of the Human-Robot Interaction podcast, Sean Welsh and I will have a close look at these laws and try to understand why barely anybody has ever tried to use them in their robot.

New Book Available: An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI

Springer published our open access book.

Our new book entitled An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI is now available under the Open Access policy of Springer. You can download the PDF directly or flip through the pages below.



Master Of Human Interface Technology Projects Available

Master Thesis Projects Available

The Master of Human Interface Technology (MHIT) program is soliciting applications for our February 2021 intake. The MHIT program is a 12 month degree that includes a 9 month research thesis. We are looking for students from a variety of backgrounds, including but not limited to psychology, design and computers science. Several scholarships are available. Please get in touch with me at if you are interested in any of the following projects. Continue reading “Master Of Human Interface Technology Projects Available”