TVNZ reports on our study on The Morality Of Abusing A Robot

Our study was featured on 1 News.

TVNZ’s reporter Lisa Davis interviewed us about our latest study on “The Morality Of Abusing A Robot”. The paper was published under the Creative Commons license at the Paladyn Journal. Merel did an excellent job speaking in a TV interview.

Expressing uncertainty in Human-Robot interaction

PLOS One published our new article on Expressing uncertainty in Human-Robot interaction. This was another successful collaboration with Elena Moltchanova from Maths & Stats. The goal of the study was to explore ways on how to communicate the uncertainty inherent in human-robot interaction. More specifically, the interaction with a passenger and his/her autonomous vehicle. This is of particular importance since driving in an autonomous vehicle can result in the loss of life. So how do you tell a passenger that his chance of surviving this trip is almost certain?

Most people struggle to understand probability which is an issue for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) researchers who need to communicate risks and uncertainties to the participants in their studies, the media and policy makers. Previous work showed that even the use of numerical values to express probabilities does not guarantee an accurate understanding by laypeople. We therefore investigate if words can be used to communicate probability, such as “likely” and “almost certainly not”. We embedded these phrases in the context of the usage of autonomous vehicles. The results show that the association of phrases to percentages is not random and there is a preferred order of phrases. The association is, however, not as consistent as hoped for. Hence, it would be advisable to complement the use of words with numerical expression of uncertainty. This study provides an empirically verified list of probabilities phrases that HRI researchers can use to complement the numerical values.

The Morality Of Abusing A Robot

Our paper The Morality Of Abusing A Robot has been published.

We are happy to announce that our paper “The Morality Of Abusing A Robot” has been published under the Creative Commons license at the Paladyn Journal. You can also download the PDF directly.

It is not uncommon for humans to exhibit abusive behaviour towards robots. This study compares how abusive behaviour towards a human is perceived differently in comparison with identical behaviour towards a robot. We showed participants 16 video clips of unparalleled quality that depicted different levels of violence and abuse. For each video, we asked participants to rate the moral acceptability of the action, the violence depicted, the intention to harm, and how abusive the action was. The results indicate no significant difference in the perceived morality of the actions shown in the videos across the two victim agents. When the agents started to fight back, their reactive aggressive behaviour was rated differently. Humans fighting back were seen as less immoral compared with robots fighting back. A mediation analysis showed that this was predominately due to participants perceiving the robot’s response as more abusive than the human’s response.

We created a little video to demonstrate the two main conditions of the experiment, a human or a robot being abused and then fighting back. We would like to acknowledge Jake Watson and Sam Gorski from Corridor Digital who made the stimuli for this experiment available.

Rezension Ethik in KI und Robotik

Das iX Magazin hat eine Buchrezension geschrieben (iX 6/2020 S. 148) über unser Buch Ethik in KI und Robotik.

Was wäre, wenn die Menschen nach einem Sozialbonus klassifiziert würden, der ihren Wert bestimmt und bei einem Autounfall über ihr Schadens risiko entscheidet? Technisch gesehen wäre es einfach, so etwas in autonomen Fahrzeugen zu installieren. Es sei allein der gesellschaftliche Diskurs, der solche negativen Utopien verhindern könne, schreiben die Autoren von „Ethik in KI und Robotik“. Mit Fragen rund um künst liche Intelligenz sollten sich nicht nur Techniker beschäftigen, wie sich schon an der Zusammenstellung des vierköpfigen Autorenteams ablesen lässt. Es besteht aus Professoren, die auch die ethischen, philosophischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekte von KI, Robotik und Mensch- Roboter- Interaktion erörtern. Sie beleuchten in zehn Kapiteln, was KI kann und wie viel Ent scheidungsgewalt Algorithmen bekommen sollten. Alles nicht sehr ausführlich, sondern kompakt auf 170 Seiten.

Menschen neigen dazu, ihre Wünsche und Gefühle auf Maschinen zu projizieren und Beziehungen zu ihnen aufzubauen. Solche psychologischen Aspekte der KI sind beispielsweise Thema in Abschnitt sechs. Auch wenn es schon Richtlinien und Grundsätze gibt – noch befindet sich KI am Anfang. Obwohl die Forschung nicht einmal versteht, wie Menschen zu moralischen Entscheidungen kommen, könnte KI nach Meinung der Autoren trotzdem in klar umrissenen Fällen moralische Entscheidungen treffen. Offene und dynamische Welten seien noch ein Problem, auch wenn der künstliche Embryo auf dem Cover etwas anderes suggeriert: Roboter haben kein angeborenes Wissen von der Welt, sondern ähneln einer nicht formatierten Festplatte. Sensoren schränken die Wahrnehmung ein, zudem könne KI nicht über gelernte Konzepte hinaus verallgemeinern. Wobei die Autoren solche Einschätzungen meist mit dem Zusatz „derzeit“ oder „noch“ einschränken.

Ask your librarian

In this In this podcast episode we discuss the evolving landscape of academic publishing.

Publishing scientific papers and books is a difficult task. The arrival of the internet has the potential to dramatically change the business models, but also the review and publishing process. I discussed the changing world of publishing with Anton Angelo, Data Librarian at the University of Canterbury. We discussed Open Access, Print-on-Demand and the changing roles of libraries. We even spotted some dangerous predators in the publishing jungle. And in case of any trouble, always ask you librarian!