Velvet Pure Scam

I probably receive an average amount of spam in my email inbox but also through my regular mail. This week I received a peculiar brochure in my post box advertising health products from a company called “Velvet Pure“:

Deer Velvet from Velvet Pure

The promises made in it are just as outrageous as lipstick that this gentleman put on. To make things even more interesting, their website makes some very interesting claims for their Athletic Capsules: Continue reading “Velvet Pure Scam”

Media Coverage on Fake Nuclear Physics Paper

The media has reported extensively on my little nuclear physics paper. Here is a short overview:

I have also completed and interview with Geoff Hutchison from ABC Radio Perth:

Radio CBC:

Jesse Mulligan on Radio New Zealand:

iOS Just Got A Paper On Nuclear Physics Accepted At A Scientific Conference

Automatically generating scientific articles has become easy with dedicated software such as SCIgen. Even a paper that only repeated the sentence “Get me of your fucking mailing list” was recently accepted for publication. Today I received an invitation from the International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics to submit a paper. Since I have practically no knowledge of Nuclear Physics I resorted to iOS auto-complete function to help me writing the paper. I started a sentence with “Atomic” or “Nuclear” and then randomly hit the auto-complete suggestions. The text really does not make any sense. After adding the first illustration on nuclear physics from Wikipedia, some references and creating a fake identity (Iris Pear, aka Siri Apple) I submitted the paper which was accepted only three hours later! I know that iOS is a pretty good software, but reaching tenure has never been this close.

UPDATE (27/10/2016): Turns out that conference organizer, OMICS Group, is currently under federal investigation.

Here is a short demonstration on how I wrote the paper:


Here is the acceptance notification:



Robot Philosophy Conference 2016

I had the pleasure of giving a keynote at the Robot Philosophy Conference 2016. The people in Denmark have been very friendly and our hotel is great. It is very interesting to see Human-Robot Interaction being discussed from the perspective of philosophy. Below is the recording of my keynote: