The United Colors Of The Brick

A t-shirt design that combines the LEGO color palette with the iconic design of Benetton.

Looks like I am in the t-shirt design fever. Here is my latest creation: The United Colors Of The Brick. Please vote for it so that it does get printed. This design is a homage to Benetton and the LEGO Color Palette.

UPDATE: The shirt is now available from Threadless.

The United Colors Of The Brick

The curious case of LEGO colors

This post explores the difficulty of defining the exact LEGO color palette. I discuss the various lists, conversions and color systems.

UPDATE: My new book entitled “The Unofficial LEGO Color Guide” is now available. Here is a short video introduction:

LEGO’s color’s palette continues to be mystery to LEGO fans. The Bricks Magazine (#14) dedicated several articles to the topic and several AFOLs had a go at cataloging and understanding the LEGO color spectrum. New Elementary wrote a good post and several collectors attempted to find at least one brick of every LEGO color (Ryan Howerter, Jeremy Moody). LEGO itself seemed to have published its palette in 2010 and 2016. The LEGO Digital Designer also comes with its own color palette:


Continue reading “The curious case of LEGO colors”

Problem with flickering pixels on Philips BDM4350UC/75

Problem with flickering pixels on Philips BDM4350UC/75 monitor.

I enjoyed the large 43″ Philips BDM4350UC/75 for two weeks now and the screen size is just wonderful. It is just like to large monitors in one. I discovered to problems, one just a bit annoying and another rather big issue.

The smaller issue is related to the power saving function. When I ran the all black screen saver on my Mac Pro, the screen seems to go into its own sleep mode of which it does barely ever awake. Sometimes I could bring up the OSD and this would bring the screen back to life. I got used to switching the screen off with its own power switch and turn it back on in the morning. This might not be such a bad idea anyway.

The bigger issue is the display of certain colors, or the lack there of. When I want to show light grays, such as RGB 193,187,194 I get vertical lines of flickering pixels. I took a photo of the screen to demonstrate the effect. We visited the dealer and tried the same color/image on their showcase model with the same result. There seems to be an issue with this Philips display. Be aware!

Philips BDM4350UC/75 flickering pixels