Honorable Paper at CHI2010

Our paper entitled “Expressive robots in education – Varying the degree of social supportive behavior of a robotic tutor” received an honorable mentioning from SIGCHI at the CHI2010 conference. This means that our paper has been within the top 5 percent of all full papers. Here is the abstract:

Teaching is inherently a social interaction between teacher and student. Despite this knowledge, many educational tools, such as vocabulary training  programs, still model the interaction in a tutoring scenario as unidirectional knowledge transfer rather than a social dialog. Therefore, ongoing research aims to develop virtual agents as more appropriate media in education. Virtual agents can induce the perception of a life-like social interaction partner that  communicates through natural modalities such as speech, gestures and emotional expressions. This effect can be additionally enhanced with a physical  robotic embodiment. This paper presents the development of social supportive behaviors for a robotic tutor to be used in a language learning application. The effect of these behaviors on the learning performance of students was evaluated. The results support that employing social supportive behavior increases  learning efficiency of students.


Saerbeck, M., & Bartneck, C. (2010). Expressive robots in education – Varying the degree of social supportive behavior of a robotic tutor. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2010), Atlanta. | DOI: 10.1145/1753326.1753567


Over the years I designed posters for conferences, papers and projects. A selection of my designs is available below. I will try to keep the list up to date.

Comment Spam

Allowing visitors to your website to post comments is a great way to allow interaction between visitors. However, it is also used by spammers. The most recent strategy for comment spam is to make a generic positive comment and hope that this form of flattery will go by undetected. Here is an example:

“This is a good post, which features worthwhile information. If you invest your time in reading this, article it really worth it. This article starts in a perfect way. The author has full grip on the topic through out the article. I like the way in which writer has ended his article. It is not a regular useless post in which even writer is not sure that what exactly he wants to say.”

This text was an actual comment to one of my posts. It is difficult for spam filters to flag this kind of comments and I am getting a bit annoyed. Please spammers, stop posting! We all like flattery, but we are not stupid!

Robot Drama

Today we had the privilege to see Hiroshi Ishiguro’s “Robot Drama” in the Yamamoto Nohgakudo in Osaka. This event was part of the HRI2010 conference. The play itself was amazing and the following discussion in the theater between Ishiguro, the actors and the audience was funny and insightful.

Robot Drama
Robot Drama