Fair world para masters point system for swimming

I created an explainer video about our work on the Fair world para masters point system for swimming. All the relevant files are available for free. You can also use our online calculator.

Abstract: A fair and inclusive competition depends on a scoring system that takes all relevant factors into account. We analysed the current World Para Point System for swimming and identified several theoretical and practical disadvantages. We propose and test a Fair World Para Point System that not only improves the algorithm, but also extends it to accommodate for the age of the athlete. It also provides a method to break point ties. This will enable para masters swimmers for the first time to compete fairly with each other. We also develop and publish tools that enable event organisers to directly use the Fair World Para Point System.

Adjustable nose bridge for swimming goggles

Pierre Magadur from the French Polytech Angers Engineering School worked on an internship project at the University of Canterbury. His goal was to find a better solution for adjusting the nose bridge for swimming goggles. Somehow they never seem to fit perfectly. Some manufacturers supply 3-4 sizes while others use a simple string. Still, adjusting them to individual needs remains difficult.

Pierre designed a solution that can be fitted to any goggles. The prototype is a proof of concept and focuses on the mechanical solution.  Here is a little video on how the design works:

Continue reading “Adjustable nose bridge for swimming goggles”

Optimal Price For Swimming In Christchurch For Disabled Swimmers

The Christchurch City Council changed its fee structure for swimming pool admission as of October 1st, 2022. There are some important changes for disabled swimmers who have a Hāpai Access card.

While there is a 25% discount for annual pool membership, there is a 50% discount for casual entry fees. The later includes multi-visit pass. The question now is, how often do you need to swim per week before the annual membership becomes the cheaper option.

Annual Entry Costs based on number per weekly visits.

The graph above shows that you need to swim around 3.25 times on average per week before the annual membership becomes cheaper.

While I applaud the Christchurch City Council for increasing the discount for casual fees from 25% to 50%, I would have appreciated it even more if they had extended this discount to the annual membership. Active swimmers will be forced to give up their annual membership if they swim more than three times a week. Normally, discounts are setup so that the more you use a service, the higher the discount becomes.

No other discount category, such as Community Services Card or Super Gold Card, has this inconsistency.

For abled visitors with no discount or visitors with a 25% discount (Community Services Card or Super Gold Card), already visiting the pool more than twice a week justifies an annual pool membership:


It is unclear why the Christchurch City Council wants to make going to the pool for disabled swimmers more of a hassle than for others. Annual memberships is quick an easy. No need to constantly refresh the cards or pay every time at the counter.

It would be great if the CCC would make our live not only more affordable, but also easier.

South Island Short Course Championship 2021

JASI Masters are looking forward to hosting the South Island Short Course Champs on 10/11 September 2021 at Jellie Park. Please come and join us. The meet will be held over three sessions – Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon.

Para entries are also very welcome for the first time ever. Registration details will be available in early July.

South Island Short Course Championship 2021