Study on the emotional facial expression of LEGO Minifigures

Today the media picked up on one of our studies on the emotional expressions of LEGO Minifigure faces. Some of it is a dramatization, so here is the full text of study for your consideration. The paper received a honorable mention at the upcoming First International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI 2013).

Google Scholar Metrics for HCI and HRI

Google introduced a new feature. You can now look at the ranking of publication venues by discipline and sub-discipline. The HRI conference is listed at place 9 in the robotics area. The CHI conference is on top in the human-computer interaction ranking. In both disciplines, Google has a problem with “Interaction”, since it declares them to be “Unteraction”. The journal “Human-Computer Interaction” is also not listed. I am not sure if this is due to a lack of h-index or due to some other reason.

Learning ROILA

We are proud to announce that our book Learning ROILA has been published and is now available as a paperback from In addition, you can purchase a Kindle Edition and an ePub Edition. This book has been made possible with the support of NZILBBand HIT Lab NZ.

The RObot Interaction Language (ROILA) is a new spoken language that is optimized for the communication between machines and humans. It is extremely easy to learn for humans and it is simple for machines to recognize. The goal of this book is to support humans learning ROILA.


New citation tracking tools from Google

Google has finally send out its invitations to its new “My Citations” service. It allows you to track your publications and citations on one easy page. My own profile is available here. Interestingly, Microsoft send me an email today as well reminding me of their Academic Search that does require Silverlight and that was able to track less citations. Here is what Microsoft has to say about my publications.